Tuesday, December 4, 2007

FESTA or FAMES ....... both Latin, now isn't that a coincidence!

Yes, yes I know ........... it's been a while since I have taken the time to let my fingers and thoughts plough and sift relentlessly so as to offer some insight as to what is happening in my life. Hmmmm, well now that I have willed myself to sit here and do just that. The first ramblings that come to mind are, yes, you guessed it - FESTA or FAMES.
I have yet to understand how the dynamics of "in the now" actually transpire ........ however, I know that if I ponder too long on this I am liable to take myself to the precipice of insanity - smiles, does this sound melodramatic, hell yes, I believe it does .......... lol.

Anyway, let me get back to FESTA or FAMES - this seems to be the journey of my life, never a "happy medium", loneliness has for a long while been real in my life and I have put my request out to the Universe and have sometimes not so quietly questioned and interrogated the Universe as to when I will be receiving my request - Patience is always the first word that springs to mind and yes, I patiently wait. Whilst patiently waiting, the request seems to be unfolding in front of my eyes.

Yes, it has become a FESTA, however, I know what happens with a FESTA = OVER INDULGENCE purely due to the fact that the menu is so varied and interesting that being but a mere mortal (lol) I want to savour and experience each individual experience seperately but also combined. Is this wrong? Does this make me any less of a person? Does the juggling compromise who I know I am? I am over analyzing as always, yes, this I know ....... instead of just being "in the now".

Perhaps, this is just exactly what it is meant to be - FESTA and not FAMES, because FAMES is what I have lived with for a long while and now perhaps, again I am privileged to be enjoying a FESTA!

VIVA FESTA, VIVA ........... smiles


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  2. Hello there - thank you for your comments & adding it in your blogroll, appreciated.

    I haven't blogged for a while, but have promised myself to be more committed this year.

    Have an unlimited day.
